

Written by Cian Riordan
Friday, 05 December 2008 05:44

Thanks to the dedication of this exceptionally talented team of film and image makers, we are able to show the lives of the children of Africa as we tell their story to the world. Because of the great scripts, magnificent color, fantastic audio, professionally edited videos, and great photos the Media team brings to their work, many people in the US and Europe have seen first hand what we do in Africa. Through this effective medium, the children communicate directly to the world about their struggle to obtain education. Through them we learn of their lives, their villages, their songs, and their dances... but most importantly their joy of being able to attend a school equipped with the most modern of technology – enabling them to be equal to their student peers through the rest of the world.

The Build African Schools Team:

Patrick O'Sullivan 

“It is all about raising funds, bringing schools and education to African children, and telling our story to people of the world in hopes that they will help… it's not about personalities.” Patrick worked with several major technology companies, in Silicon Valley and Europe, for over 30 years. He recently retired and founded the non-profit organization Build African Schools. Since then he has focused on developing BAS on its single important mission: "Building schools and bringing education to African children is what we must do as a first priority. The problem with Africa is there are too many problems to be resolved and if BAS is not careful, the organization could be diverted and defocused to the many other problems of Africa.” Patrick spends most of his energy communicating the story of building schools in Africa to Fortune 500 companies, universities, and high schools. He travels all over the US and Europe enlisting support for building more schools. 

Dickson Mutaiti 
Dickson is our Project Manager and Director of Operations. He lives in Nairobi, Kenya and he is married with two children. Dickson directs the construction of all our schools and has a large say in where the schools are built. He manages and plans the schedules and logistics of the cooperative construction company. He is one of Kenya’s top Safari guides and speaks several languages including English and French. He is a great public speaker and is welcomed and greeted by the villages and communities throughout Kenya. Dickson is also chairman of the School Board of Directors of his old Secondary school. He recently started his own safari company, offering visitors to Kenya magnificent holidays showing off the golden lands and beauty of Africa. For more information: http://www.goldenlandofafricatours.com/.

James Mutaiti 
James is a critical member of out team. He is married with children and resides in Nairobi, Kenya. He has his own safari camping business and is well know throughout Kenya. He supports the organization by being an interpreter as we visit the villages and communities, our driver, and an outstanding administrator. He is a trusted adviser to our Project Manager (his younger brother), Dickson Mutaiti.

Carol Lindsay 
Carol is our accountant and keeps control of all our spending activities. Carol has worked for some of the major Silicon Valley companies as well as a number of new start ups. She is a committed humanitarian and just recently visited Kenya for the first time... and would you believe it, she started counting how many blocks it takes to build a school and looking to see if we could improve our cost efficiencies! Carol also keeps all of us within our budgets and ensures that our administrative and tax requirements are up to date and current. 

James Twomey

Jim lives in Co. Kerry, Ireland and has a magical talent for filmmaking. He has his own editing studio under his house on the side of a mountain overlooking Atlantic coast. He has the perfect "camera eye" and cutting edge editing skills. When he is not working in the field, Jim lectures on filmmaking for the Irish government’s National Training and Employment Authority. He is married with three boisterous, wonderful daughters, three dogs (Barney, Murphy, and Uisce) a horse, and countless cats. Jim has extensive experience filming throughout Africa, Europe and the Americas.

Cian Riordan 
Cian is our webmaster and all-things-media specialist. He fills in the gaps on our video, photo, and sound work. He's been to Africa a total of 5 times; once to South Africa and four times to Kenya. He graduated with a Bachelors in Chemistry from UC Santa Cruz. He is currently working as a recording engineer/producer in Los Angeles, CA. His website is here

Sean Riordan 
Sean is responsible for making sure our efforts in Africa are presented in the best possible form via our website. He is an accomplished photographer and has a keen eye for imaging and design. He also assists in video work out in the field. He prides himself on combining the latest technology and his photographical talent to capture the best possible picture. As we continue to further our communications and media efforts, Sean will play a significant role in this future development. 

Paul Dolan

Paul, hailing from Dublin, Ireland, also lives in Co. Kerry and, like Jim, lectures for the Irish National Training and Employment Authority. Paul is married to the kindest woman in Ireland, Mary Dolan, and they have a gaggle of children and grandchildren. The noise level in the Dolan house is something to behold! Paul wields and focuses a deadly camera, which captures images that are true to the real events. He has an eye for the action and brings to the screen a compelling story. Paul has filmed all over Europe, Africa, and the Americas.

Jill Barry

Jill runs her own Media Production company, www.emotionmedia.ie, located in Dublin, Ireland. It is there she works with some of the biggest brand companies in the world (i.e. Lexus, Hilton, Merck, DHL, Toyota, and many others). Jill’s contribution in managing, recording, and overseeing the quality audio in our videos is essential.

Last Updated ( Sunday, 03 July 2011 13:13 )
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